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Review: Everything but the Kitchen Sink Festival (Night 1) at Flight Path Theatre

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Reviewed by Lauren Donikian

In its second season, the Everything but the Kitchen Sink Festival is a dedicated theater festival made for Sydney’s Inner West. Created by Emma O’Sullivan and Toby Blome, this festival aims to introduce its audiences to the next generation of Australian Theatre and art makers. Over ten days four shows will be performed with two shows as a split bill one night and the other two on alternating nights. Night one includes performances by Frankie Fearce and the writers and cast of Horse Play.

Frankie Fearce plays themselves and the famous “Dazza” in this breakout performance. Speaking on their experiences, Fearce recalls a time when they met with an inquisitive true-blue Aussie bloke with a penchant for VB. A queer comedian originally from the Central Coast, Fearce welcomes the audience into their world, and has them instantly on their side. With an honest performance, their walls are down, and the audience is all in. With just a stool on stage and a VB in hand, Fearce shakes up the crowd with a character so opposite from themselves that you really have to do a double take. From a costume change to physical characteristics Fearce morphs into “Dazza” and shares their interaction through Dazzas eyes, language, and brutal honesty. Whilst still being kind to this absurd character, (that sadly, everyone knows) Fearce finds the humour in this small-town mentality that is eager to learn more.

Next up is ‘Horse Play’ a look at what might have happened to the Greeks while they were in the wooden horse patiently waiting to attack the people of Troy. Directed by Zoe Tomaras who also wrote and starred in the play ‘Horse Play’ is a modern comedy with its roots firmly planted in the mythical world. Tomaras is joined by Nat Knowles, Sophea Op, Linda Chong, and Angela Johnston who also wrote and starred in this performance. There is basic staging, a chair, a small platform, and swords, because every man needs a sword. In this short play we see these characters interact, and the only thing that ties them to each other is their matching helmets.

Each character is dressed in a different costume which identifies who each of them is. There is the gym junkie, the businessman, the nerd, and they are all in the same position. Potentially about to die. Now, this might sound sad, but it is anything but. It is hilarious, modern, and relevant. A sneak peek into the minds of men and the silly things they do to pass the time.

Through vignettes, blackouts and whilst “It’s Raining Men” is playing we see all the ways these soldiers pass their time and the bonds they form along the way. It is clear that this ensemble works well together. That they give each their moment to shine. Their characters are so distinct and well thought out, that you can almost assume what each character will do in each scenario. With a mixture of mythology and current topics the script is clever and surprising.

I enjoyed both performances for different reasons “Dazza” for its heart and honesty and “Horse Play” for its silly charm. Two completely different offerings in one night with one thing in common. The amazing talent of these artists. With the festival running until the 4th of November, there is still plenty of time to check these shows out.

Image Supplied

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