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Review: Dazza and Keif Go Viral in Space with Ya Mum

By Maree Paliouras

The last thing I expected from watching a comedy show about two guys trying to go space to find “hot chicks” was to get overly emotional yet there I sat, in my bedroom at 9:00pm on a Friday night, halfway through Dazza and Keif Go Viral in Space with Ya Mum and finding myself being flooded with empathy and a feeling that would’ve been sadness if the rest of the show wasn’t so god-damn funny.

The show, written and performed by Danni Ray and Keely Windred, tells the story of two typical white Australian men, Dazza and Keif, who decide to enter the “Penetrate the Sky” competition to be two of twenty citizens of Earth who relocate to the moon in hopes of finding new chicks after being less than impressed with those provided down here. The proceedings of the show find Dazza and Keif having to face reality after finding tension put on their friendship. Amidst raps, epic (and extremely impressive) dances to iconic songs, and more penis jokes than I’ve ever heard in a single sitting, Dazza and Keif Go Viral in Space with Ya Mum tells a surprisingly deeply heart-warming story of friendship and identity.

While Windred’s Dazza is an extremely boisterous personality who radiates as much confidence as he does douchiness and has no trouble in the lady department, Ray’s Keif is a lot more drawn back and shy. He seems to be put down often by his best friend and struggles to assert himself. All in all, their clashing personalities are just one of what makes them such a perfect and entertaining duo to watch. In addition, the guest performers well and truly make the most of their short appearances on stage and are an absolutely incredible addition to the show.

While the dances are immaculate and the plot is a whole ride of emotions, what it is that really sets this show apart from other pieces of theatre or performances that you might catch at Fringe is that Ray and Windred aren’t just portraying characters. They didn’t create their roles for this show, they didn’t just rehearse for a few months only to barely remember the role in a few years from now. Dazza and Keif aren’t just roles, they’re personas. Ones that Ray and Windred have spent years carefully curating, creating, and embracing and Dazza and Keif Go Viral in Space with Ya Mum truly is a testament to the obvious hard work they’ve put into creating these personas. Their devotion and passion towards their art drives the performance and is so clear in the final product.

With the show being available to watch via the Melbourne Fringe website for two more sessions until the 15th of November, it’s easy to access and available to all. With the options to watch it from the comfort of your bedroom, on your family TV, while on the moon, or basically anywhere you’d like, there really isn’t any reason to miss out on seeing this one (and trust me when I say that you really really don’t want to.)

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