Review by Maree Paliouras
I believe that it goes without saying that any theatrical experience that begins with the musical stylings of CupcakKe is bound to follow with an incredible show and Club Nite is no exception.
Written, performed, directed, and produced by young Naarm creatives, Club Nite follows three people as they work their way from Yah Yahs to an elusive Park Rave and I can only describe this as truly the single most Melbourne piece of art that I have ever witnessed.
The approach to story-telling and theatre that Club Nite takes is refreshing and makes for such an incredible show. The story is told in intervals, with each location revealing deeper truths about the characters and all accumulating to a magnificent end.
The magic of the play lies in its characters. I feel as though I could see bits of every person I know in each of them.
Lotte Beckett portrays Gemma - the bubbly token straight friend with an enthusiasm for Thursgays with none of the drag etiquette to match. Her portrayal of the character is truly amazing - she acts in an overwhelmingly lively manner that matches the basis of her character so well.
Anjelica Angwin plays Ana - an up and coming DJ who has recently returned from a trip to Berlin and if Brunswick was a person, I personally think it would be her. With a killer style and an equal attitude, Ana is a surprisingly loveable character despite all their hardassness.
Finally, Matisse Laida plays Serene - an influencer who’s super into affirmations and everything natural (or so she claims.) However faux it may be, there’s something comforting about her soft-spokenness and airiness and something satisfying about watching her break down into her true self. The way Laida plays their character shows such a clear confidence and knowledge of who she is which makes for an amazing performance.
Together, the trio re-enacts staples of Melbourne culture such as public K-Holes, ridiculously uncomfortable Uber rides, and iconic Lip Syncs for your Pints (specifically;
one to “Let’s Have a Kiki” of All Stars proportions. Seriously, this cast could have fruitful careers in drag if they wanted.)
But beneath all of the play’s comedy is an emotionally charged developed plot full of character development that hits you all at once. It depicts the pressures of society, the realities of many normal peoples lives, is a striking display of the importance of friendship and the reality of toxic friendships, and so much more. It’s a story that underneath all its ridiculousness is a truly relatable reflection of the lives we lead as young people in this city. There’s aspects of the show that everybody can see a bit of themself in, it has a strong message and purpose, and it all comes together so perfectly. It’s personal, funny, and just the perfect amount of camp to create a well rounded and perfectly balanced show.
Miscellania’s first theatrical production, the venue is truly the perfect location for this show. The small venue fits the vibe of the show perfectly and will be the home of this amazing show through until Friday June 24th.

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